All about Finland Helsinki 2nd day [] Kauppatori> Suomenlinna> Helsinki central> Ateneum> Design museum helsinki> Temppeliaukio church> Kansallis museum

This is travel note about Finland~Sweden~Norway~Denmark in 2013 summer. I feel while I write again travel note that prices have gone up except my salary. Almost museum fees have nearly doubled. 

The sun begins to rise in the early morning. I had breakfast with cherries, peas, and ramen which I bought at the kauppatori and supermarket yesterday. There was a kitchen in the pension, so it was convenient to do without any pressure with the menu that I wanted to eat.

@Kauppatori; Market square

You might visit here again while you go to ferry terminal for fortress, Suomenlinna. it was cloudy morning so I couldn't think it wasn't real morning. I saw that it sold only fruits and vegetables at the kauppatori yesterday, but this day, it was real big outdoor market. There were many booth, they sold  clothes, accessory and so on.

it's ferry terminal and ferry to go to Suomenlinna. Ferry sails almost every 20 minutes but you have to check its time table because schedule is a little different by time. its fare is 3.8euros for round-trip and you can board it for free if you have Eurail pass or Helsinki card. 

White building of the photo's left side is Helsinki cathedral and brown building of right side is Usoenskin cathedral. I was going to visit Usoenskin cathedral but I couldn't due to not enough time. It is the largest Russian Orthodox Church in Northern Europe. 
During watch the landscape, I reached Suomenlinna ferry terminal. It took short time, so I could go without load even if I had to board ferry.

@Suomenlinna; Fortress of Finland

Took off and followed others and walked around Suomenlinna. It is one of the Unesco heritage, so what is here?
"Finland is a long country, sandwiched between Sweden and Russia. The frequent invasions of the two countries gave birth to nationalist symphonies such as Sibelius' 'Finlandia.' Suomenlinna, a four-island-built seafaring bird, is located in front of the capital Helsinki.
Suomenlinna, translated into English, means the fortress of Finland. Suomenlinna has existed long before Helsinki was built. When Turku, which was facing the island of wolland in Sweden, was the capital, Suomenlinna in the east was a fortress and a community that protected the country from Russian attacks. This is not only found with walls and cannons, but also with residential facilities and facilities related to everyday life such as schools, warehouses and plazas.
However, Suomenlinna was eventually captured without stopping the Russian invasion. Russia, the conqueror, built a new city on land in front of Suomenlinna and named it Helsinki as its administrative capital. Now that modern history of Finland has begun, Helsinki's history is only about 200 years old."
-by 권삼윤, 유네스코지정 세계문화유산

There are some cannons when Russia conqure here on the ground and they prove here is fortress.   Here was not many relics than I thought, maybe I couldn't visit important spot. Because I didn't have Europe usim card, so I couldn't search google map on the smart phone. But here is famous place for Finnish and tourist exactly. I didn't visit Suomenlinna's museum, but it took almost 4 hours for walking around. There are some cafes and restaurants but if I go there again, I'll buy sandwich and eat nearby beach.
Time passed, cloud dissapeared, I can see blue northern Europe's summer sky. And you can see special church as lighthouse too. Suomenlinna is constructed by 6 islands and they have another mood each but I think I visited only small part of there. So sad...
Suomenlinna recommends some place, door of king, church, Bastion Gustavssvärd, beach where you can use shower booth and toilet. You can visit here comfortable because ferry runs even midnight.

Came back to the kauppatori. I was walking around in there to have lunch, madam was selling various colour mixed hats. Her hats drag my sight. I was looking around her booth and she told me try hats. Her hats so pretty which made by her, in the end I bought binie. It was 30euros, not cheap to me, but it was unique and to be souvenir. You may think why I bough binie in summer, but I wore it ㅣlater usefully.

You can try to eat seafood with round potatoes on the street not only in Finland but also another northern europe's city where is near harbor market. It seems favorite menu for Finnish or tourist because it is cheap and delicious. I didn't know that time, there was coin box for tip which was infront of casher. Usually, people put the change in the coin box. The coin box was pig's shape, so I realized that another country speak that piggy bank like Korean too.

The day before I bought Cherry, and this day I bought wildberry. When I was child, I ate wild berry in the mountian. After that time, I try to buy wildberry in the market but it was not cheap. So I couldn't eat wildberry much. I had to eat much here.

@Helsinki central station

I visited central station to buy ticket for Truku. In my memory, when I went to train station, I was in the line in front of ticket box, waited my turn and ticket officer sit behind glass. But here, it felt like a bank because it was the way to pick out a number and wait for the order. I don't know how is it going in Korea these days because I have been buying ticket using PC or mobile app so long time. When was it I bought ticket at the ticket box last? 

@Ateneum museum

Open_ Tue, Fri 10:00 ~ 18:00 
         Wed, Thu 10:00 ~ 20:00
          Sat, Sun 10:00 ~ 18:00
Closed: Mon
Fee: 17 euros (closed before 30 minutes)
You can see not only works by Finnish artists, but also works by famous artists such as Gogh, Gauguin and Munch. Finnish graphic and craftsman Galen Karela’s works are said to be famous.

@Design museum helsinki

Open_ 11:00 ~ 18:00 (summer seasion)
Fee_ 12 euros
This museum showed design products and visitor could do hands-on experience so there were many families with children. There were some space for displaying clay what people made, so I made rabbit. That time, my camera memory card has not enough storage space, I couldn't take pictures about exhibition object.

@Temppeliaukio church

Open_ 10:00 ~ 17:00 (winter season)
          Sat 10:00 ~ 13:15, 14:15 ~ 14:45, 15:45 ~ 17:00
          Sun 15:30 ~ 17:00
Fee_ 3 euros

I had read guide book so I checked church's open time but there was closed. I visit here's homepage now, it is different opening time in weekend. But my guide books didn't know about that. Don't believe guide book all and if you have some important place where you want to go, check opening time in there's homepage yourself. And some visitors likes me were around there and went back.
On the surface, it seems a building for religious events built during primitive times, but it is said to have been built after winning an architectural contest in 1969. The characteristic of church architecture is that it is with nature while keeping character. Inside, there is a pipe organ, so a concert is held.

When I was university student, I studied about various mineral and rock with my major. But it was just in the text book. I did study, take a exam and report but I couldn't exactly what kind of granite. It might be nature what I didn't know that because the rock had been cut. Sometimes I think, What did I study?

@Kansallis museum; The national museum

Open_ 11:00 ~ 18:00
          Wed 11:00 ~ 20:00
Closed_ Mon (except summer)
Fee_ 14 euros (free on Fri 16:00 ~ 18:00)
There is any picture but national museum was last plan that day. It is possible to know about pre-historic Finland, independence from foreign powers, and the history and traditions of Finland There were a lot of Romantic-era paintings, I always visit national museum and art museum without thinking of what it displays.

It was very tough schedule to me Because I didn't  adapt differece time zone and I visited three museum and outdoor place. Even I didn't know where there are many restaurants, and what menu is good to me. Many menu showed me in Finnish, so I couldn't know what ingredients are included. So I went close and familiar Mcdonald. Was it expensive than Korea? It might be but I can't exactly. Because I had never been to fast food store many times. 
