All about Finland Helsinki 3rd day [] Seurasaaari open air museum> Kiasma contemporary art museum

It's a trip to Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark summer of 2013.

Last day in Finland. I went shopping to Marimeko and Itala and I'm sorry that I might have been there for more day.

@Seurasaari open air museum

Open_ starts on 15th May and it's different each season
      15th May~31th, 1st Sep~15th > Mon~Fri: 9am ~ 3pm, weekend 11am ~ 5pm
      1st June~31th Aug > 11am ~ 5pm 
Closed_ 19th june
Fee_ 14 euros (Free entry by Helsinki card)
Museum day 18th May, Helsinki day 12th June Free entry

If someone could get a private canoe on a weekday morning, He/she would be sure of a gold spoon. But I don't think it's a canoe or a kayak. What is it?

\the area is quite wide. The Seurasaari Outdoor Museum is designated as a national park and offers a view of traditional houses and handicrafts in southern Finland. The dense trees gave me a cool breeze and a good walk.
The traditional house of Finland. It must have been easy to build a house with trees because the coniferous trees are well grown. It is a historic outdoor museum that opened in 1909 and offers a glimpse of the old days on smoke screen houses, Crofts and Manet, as well as guided tours. You can be closer its garden, and a practical approach to history.

There are also cafes and souvenir shops and events in the summer, such as an arts and crafts market, an independent tour for children and a workshop for the entire family.

It was nice to be able to take a walk in the shade. I've taken a lot of pictures, but I am in the photos, so pass..

A hop-on-hop bus It's not cheap to ride separately, but it's included in a city pass. It is good for tours and transportation because you can sit down and look around major locations in the city and get off at your desired destination. There are earphones in seat and you can hear explanations if you plug them in. (But you haven't seen a hop-on-hop-off bus that offers Korean broadcasting yet.)

@Contemporary art museum Kiasma

Open_ Tue~Fri 10:00 ~ 20:30
          Sat 10:00 ~ 18:00
          Sun 10:00 ~ 17:00
Monday and non-regular holidays. Or changes in business hours. The entrance mom was closed 30 minutes ago.
Fee_ 15 euros. Every first Friday of month is free entry
The Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art is thought to be an exhibition hall where you can feel the design of Finland. A place I want to recommend to people who like design exhibition. I guess I can participate in a free workshop on Saturday. Other workshops seem to have to be pre-booked by email address or phone, but I am not sure whether this program requires pre-booking.

Permanent exhibition is open and I took photos but I can upload these. Because I'm in the photo again...hahaha

Moomin, the first souvenir of my life from the Kiasma Museum of Art. At this time, the character Moomin was strange. but after a trip, it was Veskin Robbins or Dunkin' Donuts gave a promotion to buy a doll for a cheap price. But many people couldn't but it because it was sold out fast. (The story of the person who failed to make a purchase, me) Now, it has become a character that you can easily see when you go to the character shop.

I can't remember taking a carrier to the museum at that time. Coffee House near the station,where I spent an hour  because I was in a hurry too early  while waiting for the train from Helsinki's central station to Turku. It is a coffee chain that is often seen here. Buy coffee, take candy too. In Korea, I'm used to drink ice coffee in summer but there was no ice coffee in Finland.

Take the train to Turk. The platform number 13/14 is proof that so many trains are in and out of the station. I can't remember well because I don't often go to Seoul Station, but I think the platform of Seoul Station will be not this big in Korea. Although the high-speed railway and general railway stations have been separated, there are trains going to other cities in Korea in the case of Europe, but since there are international flights, the number of platforms generally seems to be high.

The reason for heading to the city of Turku, which is not very well known for tourism, is to board a Swedish cruise ship to Stockholm from Turku. There are ways to ride in Helsinki, but it is cumbersome because it takes longer and more expensive, but I also decided to take a cruise in Turku.
