All about Finland Turku half day [] Aura river> Luostarinmaki handicrafts open air museum> Turku cathedral

This is the summer of 2013: Finned-Sweden-Norway-Denmark travel. There are a little changed information so I'm rewriting my travel notes by adding my privative stories.

I got on the train from Helsinki to Turku. Although it is divided into first and second floors But it looks like it is divided into three floors when it is actually on board. Feeling like there are under floors, normal floors, and upper floors. I've never been on a train on the second floor, so if you ask me to take it, I'll be on the second floor. Since each seat has an electrical outlet, when you take the train, don't put the outlet in the carrier, but put it in an easy-to-pull bag and charge it for the travel time. It's second-class, but as you can see, it's very pleasant. There seems to be no reason to purchase first-class tickets at a high cost. I was satisfied.

Graffiti welcomes you all to Turku. Unlike Helsinki, I thought it was a hip city. Turku, speaking, might not a city famous for tourism, but it is the oldest city in Finland and has a long history. It also plays a role as a port.

This is a tourist map of Turku. The red spots are tourist spots, and the main tourist attractions are gathered from the station to Aurajoki River, which is a good distance to walk without taking transportations. Finnish can speak English as well as Swedish but in particular, in the western part of Finland facing Sweden, Swedish was spoken as well as Finnish. The river is called Abo river  in Swedish and Aura river in English. Walkways along the riverside are well developed, and water cafes and restaurants are common.

The following are the main tourist destinations that I have not been visited:

@Turku castle (Rurun Linna)

Open_ 10:00~18:00
Closed_ Monday (Everyday open in summer season), it is closed last day and new year and there are some  non-regular closures day and opening time change.
Fee_ 12 euros
The building was used as a fortress and as a Swedish rule, and there are special exhibition. The main castles' passages, halls and chapels show the fascinating history of Turku, Finland, Sweden and other Nordic countries. The Sture Church and Nun 's chapel houses the museum's superb medieval wooden religious sculptures, and the St. Mary’s church can show the styles of the early 18th century. The king's room was the most important space in Finland from the early 14th century to the middle of the 16th century, and almost all medieval kings in Sweden stayed in the room. The king and queen’s halls were created in the 1550s when they were changed from a fortress to a Renaissance palace by duke John and his wife and Catherine. You can see the exhibition room of the attic floor showcase in the museum center.

@Aboa vetus &  Ars nova 

Open_ 11:00~19:00
Fee_ 11 euros
Aboa vetus is Finland's only archaeological museum and has excavated a village found underground. There are six medieval housing sites and one of the main streets of the medieval Turku, the Convent River Front, still passes through the museum area today.

After being excavated, an archaeological museum has been built since the 1990s, keeping the remains of the building as they were discovered, and there are various historical floors. The basement of medieval houses dates back to the 14th and 15th centuries. After the great fires of the Turk in 1827, most of the city had to be rebuilt, and the medieval city was buried underground. In the early 20th century, a spa called Aura Bathhouse was run and in 1928, it was replaced by the Rettig Palace mansion by cigarette maker Hans von Rettig. Since then, the building has been used as the Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova, a historical and contemporary art museum, since 1995.

In the Middle Ages, Turku was divided into four sections and was Sweden's second largest city and an active trade, religious and administrative center. The earth on which the Aboa Vetus was excavated is known as the convent district, and it must have been the Buchon area as well. Items found in museum excavation, such as houses of wealthy area and craftsmen who built huge stone houses and brick-and-mortar houses, ceramic pieces belonging to tile-style stoves, expensive glass shards or lost gold rings, are luxury items that are available to only a small number of people.

There are also the Baino Altonen Museum, the Sibelius Museum, the Turk Museum, the Outdoor Handicraft Museum, and the Turk Cathedral. And I visited the outdoor handicraft museum and the Turk Cathedral.

@Aura river

The river is not blue but green. There were many water cafes and restaurants along the river and many people took a walk along the river.

How the heavy equipment pretty it is!... Mint color!

@Luostarinmaki handicrafts museum

Open_ 10:00~18:00
Fee_ 6 euros
You can see meet Finland's handicrafts and the artisans of wooden buildings. It's 18th century's only area in Finland which is existing now. I was thinking that which place I have to go, Turku castle or this handicraft folk museum. Because I had visited Open air  folk village in Helsinki already.  But here, you can see crafts as well as also to make. Handicrafts and on display are also many things to see more. Making handicrafts artisans who go back to the 18th century, seems to see the lifestyle of them watching the lively and good.

It’s well preserved, which leads to the illusion that the landlord seems to have just left the house for a while.

Artisans who do not forget to greet while they are making textiles such as pottery and lace . I took photographs and videos without being not to interfere with the maximum work.

She was the first real person in the house I entered before meeting the above artisans. The reason why I wrote that she was a real person is because I was looking around the empty house  so I thought she was a doll. I thought she was wax doll waiting for me to say hi. When she said Hei to me, Inside, I was soooooo shocked that I, but I did my best to say Hei. I didn't expect person to be around, but she looks so... beautiful doll.

Isn't this really a place where the artisan made it and left for a while?

While walking to the outdoor handicraft museum, I met two men and women who seemed to go to the same place as us. Finally, we entered the museum together and shared a small talk with the guy when they met each other in a square where they could sit and rest. I introduced he I'm from Korea and the guy introduced he is Franch traveler. I asked her if it was a honeymoon. No, they are not a couple. On the inside, then what relationships they are? I confused, anyway saying have a good trip.

In fact, even if you don't speak English well during your trip, you can find it easily if you have a Google map and you have a Google map. But I'm so sad it's kind of destiny, when traveler or local people tried to talk with me, I feel a language barrier when you walk through Small Talk. I have to study English more. 

Nearby, there is The Old Great Square, which seems to be the place where a very large market is held. If you are on the way, you may want to stop by.

It's not that the riverside is really pretty, but it was so neat that I thought I wanted to walk for a walk.

Turku's Square. It wasn't a big square, but there are many busking people and stay as if waiting for a friend, so it must be the place where the meeting place is.

@Turku catedraal; Turku cathedral

OPen_ 9:00-~18:00
Museum Fee_ 2 euros

Finland's most historic and built in the 1300s is the Lutheran Cathedral, you can instal a guide application. When Turku became Finland's commercial hub, it was decided to move the cathedral to a more central location on the Unikankare Hill in the heart of the city. Before that, the bishop's seat was in Coronen, a few miles upstream of the Aura River. The early wooden church on the hill was replaced in 1300 by a sacred new stone church.

The saints of the new church were the Virgin Mary and St. Henry, Finland's first bishop. Over the next few centuries, the cathedral continued to be rebuilt. Prior to the Protestant Reformation, the Turku Cathedral was a Catholic cathedral, meaning several chapels were added to the church’s main body. A total of 42 altars were dedicated to various saints. The bell tower burned down several times and the current tower was built after the fire in Turku in 1827.

Today's cathedrals in the cathedral are mainly from the post-Turku fires. The altar sculpture of Christ was made in 1836 by Frederick Westin of Sweden. There is also a neo-classical pulpit produced by architect Carl Ludwig Engel from the 1830s. The walls and ceiling frescoes of the altar choir were painted by Robert Wilhelm Eckmann, the founder of the Finnish Nationalist School.

Many of the church's ornaments dedicated to the saints are now a family safe. By 1784, intermediate work was carried out under the floor of the cathedral. In many parts of the cathedral, gravestones and other artworks commemorate the lives of important people from Finnish history. One of the best-known monuments of the Turku Cathedral is the stone coffin of Queen Karin (Catherine) of Sweden. The association of Eric XIV lived in Finland for the last decades of her life and was buried in the Turkic Cathedral in 1613.

For centuries the Turkic Cathedral has had a hard time. He was looted and burned during the war, which destroyed many of his past relics. However, some items have been preserved and are on display at the Cathedral Museum. From there, you can see hotbeds of medieval saints and churches dating back to the Catholic era.

It was a huge rain shower. When I was in the handicraft museum on this day, there was a blazing sun and a blue sky, and all of a sudden it started to rain like crazy. The raindrops themselves were so thick that they were unfamiliar with the scene. Heavy raindrops in a relatively clear sky. The raindrops are thick and showery, so I thought it would stop in 10 to 20 minutes. The rain stopped after nearly an hour of avoiding it. If the rain didn't come, I could have taken a short tour of the Turku Castle near the port of Turku.

The ground drenched to the quick The sky is clearing up soon. While avoiding the rain, I also go to stores like convenience stores and watch people who never mind wet. I just felt sorry for the umbrella in the lugage.

Turku Port, which arrived after the rain stopped. One stop by train from Turku Central Station will arrive at Turku Harbor Station. Ports and huge cruise ships that you can see on a short walk. It was the size of a cruise ship I had never seen before. I had no idea that my cruise would be that big.
