All about subway tickets of Tokyo, Japan. Introduce features and recommend

I don't know whether it is right to write a Japanese post or not, due to our situation, but I'm going to summarize the japan public tranport information. I write it  for someone who visits to Japan to meet my family or goes on business or travels may need information.

It's tokyo where is one of the most complicated subway system. The reason is that there are three main types of  subway company and the three are not free to transfer to each other. Korean can use all subway as well as bus with one ticket, but not in Tokyo, Japan. Buses also differed depending on the transportation company. Anyway, main subway lines in Tokyo are Tokyo Metro Line and Toei Line, JR line. You can see from the legend of the map which company has which lines.

1. PASMO: Charging card. You can ride whole transportations.Tokyo metro lines, Toei lines, JR lines, and buses also vending machine and covenience store.
2. TOKYO METRO 24 hours: You can use it for 24 hours only TOKYO METRO line
3. TOKYO METRO PASMO 1day ticket : You can use for 1day only TOKYO METRO line
4. TOKYO METRO & TOEI SUBWAY combo 1day: You can take TOKYO METRO and TOEI SUBWAY for 1 day
5. Tokyo subway ticket: You can take TOKYO METRO and TOEI SUBWAY for 1 day only Foreigner
6.  TOKYO METRO & TOEI SUBWAY combo 1day PASMO: You can take TOKYO METRO and TOEI SUBWAY for 1 day
7. Tokyo free ticket: TOKYO METRO, TOEI SUBWAY, Tram, TOEI bus, Nippori and suburb, JR line in Miyako for 1 day
9. WELCOME tokyo subway ticket: Haneda ~ Senkaku area KEIKYUU line, TOKYO METRO , TOEI SUBWAY for 1 day only Foreigner
10. Keisei SKYLINER & Tokyo subway ticket: Narita ~ Ueno Keisei line, TOKYO METRO,  TOEI SUBWAY for 1 day

종류가 너무 많고 비슷비슷해서 무슨 차이인지 모를수도 있습니다. 
2번과 3번 차이는 시간제나 날짜제냐인데요, 시간권은 티켓을 구입하여 처음 사용할 때 부터 시간이 카운트되어 정해진 시간까지 사용할 수 있습니다. 2월 5일 10시에 24시간권을 구매했다면 2월 6일 10시까지 사용할 수 있는 것이지요. 반대로 1일권은 2월 5일 8시에 탑승했든 10시에 탑승했든 2월 5일까지만 사용할 수 있는 티켓입니다. 
아침 일찍부터 일정을 시작한 경우는 1일권이 이익이겠지만 아닌 경우에는 손해지요. 보통은 같은 조건이라면 24시간권이 1일권보다 조금 더 비싸게 치는 경우가 많습니다. 하지만 2번과 3번의 경우는 둘다 600엔으로 가격이 동일한데요, 2번 티켓은 구입한 당일 사용해줘야 하고 3번은 한 달 내에만 사용하면 된다는 차이가 있습니다.

4번과 5번 티켓도 마찬가지입니다. 구매한 날 사용해야만 하는지 아닌지에 따라서 다른 티켓입니다.

7번과 8번 티켓의 공통점은 하네다 공항을 통해서 일본에 입국할 때 유용한 티켓입니다. 다만 7번 티켓은 일본 입국시에만 사용할 수 있어서 공항선이 편도만 사용할 수 있구요, 8번은 외국인 전용 티켓이라 하네다 공항에서 시내까지 들어오는 공항선을 편도나 왕복으로 선택이 가능합니다.

대략적으로 승차권들의 특징을 살펴보았는데요, 각 승차권마다 자세한 설명이 필요하신 분들은 계속 읽어주세요.

1. PASMO card (IC card)
 Charging card. You can ride whole transportations.Tokyo metro lines, Toei lines, JR lines, and buses also vending machine and covenience store. And if you travel another cities and don't want to be bothered about choice from subway line's companies, you can choose this card. This card is accepted whole transportations.
- Price : 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 10000 Yen by vending machine.
              1000 yen maxium 20000 yen by ticket office. (1000 yen unit)
              deposit 500 yen
-Charging unit : 10 yen by vending machine or ticket office.
-Validity Period: None (but there is PASMO unused for 10 years)
-Refund: We will refund your credit card balance and deposit of 500 yen.
The PASMO certificate will refund the amount of the credit card balance plus the deposit of 500 yen.
- Precautions at the transfer station leaving the turnstile
When transferring to Tokyo Metro Line, Toei Metro, or other private railway lines, there is sufficient fare to transfer to the station, and you can continue to use it for customers who transfer within 30 minutes.
※Note: If the transfer time exceeds 30 minutes, the fare will be newly calculated.

2. Tokyo metro 24 hours, 600 yen
You can use this ticket during 24 hours after first use it and only take Tokyo metro lines. It is important 
Tokyo Metro here doesn't mean all the subways running in Tokyo, it's classified as an operating entity. All the subway trains in Tokyo will be represented as Tokyo Subway. The lines operated by Tokyo Metro have nine routes. If you purchase this ticket, you must use it on the day of purchase and you can board for 24 hours after the initial riding metro.
You can buy it ticket whole Tokyo metro station's vending machines. If you want to refund it without using, you pay fees 220 yen.

3. Tokyo metro PASMO 1day ticket, 600엔

As mentioned above, You can take 9 lines operated by Tokyo Metro. The amount is the same, but this is a one-day ticket within a month of purchase. Then what's difference between one day ticet and 24 hours ticket?
One day ticket, you can use only that day wheb you bought it.
But 24 hours ticket is counted by time. If I use it 10am 5th Feb then I can use it until 10am 6th Feb.
You can buy it at the pink vending machine which is in Tokyo metro station. Refund fees 220 yen.

4. Tokyo Subway 1day ticket, 900 yen

If you purchase this ticket, you can take  nine routes operated by Tokyo Metro and four routes operated by Toei one-day.
You can buy it at the vending machine where is in Tokyo metro line's station and Toei line's station.
You have to use ticket the day which you bought it.
It need some fee when it is refunded. 

5. Tokyo subway ticket 800 yen~
This ticket is availavle to take  Tokyo Metro lines and Toei lines, which is limited to foreigners. The advantage is that it is not only cheaper than the above one-day ticket and bit also it is for 24 hours ticket. 
Tokyo Subway 24-hour Ticket: adult 800 yen
Tokyo Subway 48-hour Ticket: adult 1,200yen
Tokyo Subway 72-hour Ticket: adult 1,500yen
24-hour Ticket 48-hour Ticket 72-hour Ticket
you can buy it at the Foreign Travel Agency and Hana Tour etc. 
Arrival Lobby Tourism Information Center on the second floor of Haneda Airport 5:30-25:00
Keisei bus Ticket Counter 7:00 to 22:00
Tokyo Metro Foreign Tourist Information Center

6. Tokyo Subway 1day ticket, 900 yen PASMO
Like No. 4, you can use Tokyo Metro Lines and Toei Lines for one day, and you can use this ticket for one day within a month of its release date.
You can buy it at the pink vending machine which is in Tokyo metro station. (At the some station is impossible)
If you buy this ticket Toei lines strain, you can't refund it at the Tokyo metro line's station and it needs fee 220 yen.

7. Tokyo free ticket 1590yen

For one day, you can use the entire section of the Tokyo Metro, the Toei lines, the Toei bus (except for late night buses, seat gardening buses, etc.) and the entire section of the Nippori and Doneri Liner, and the Miyako district section of JR Line.
You can buy it at the Tokyo metro line's station and Toei line's station. (Except some station) It needs refund fee.

8. Keikyu Haneda・Subway pass 1310yen

One-way use of the Keikyu Line from Haneda Airport's Domestic/International Terminal Station to Senkaku Area
Tokyo subway ticket

It incorporates airport lines and city passes. This is a one-day ticket to Tokyo Metro and Toei lines for those who enter the country from Haneda Airport. For your information, the fare for the Keikyu Line from Haneda Airport to Senkakuji is 410 yen one-way, Tokyo Metro, and Toei 1-day ticket is 900 yen.
You can't buy it at the inner city subway station. Only at the airport terminal station.

9. WELCOME! Tokyo Subway Ticket 1200yen~

This is a ticket that only foreigners can purchase and is the same condition as No. 7, but it means that we will give benefits to foreign passengers. A one-way ticket to Tokyo is 410 yen, and a ticket to Tokyo Subway is 800 yen (meaning the right to integrate Tokyo Metro and Toei Line). It's good price for foreigners entering and leaving Haneda Airport because they only need to add 300 yen for round trip.
Passport required. 

Tokyo Subway 24hours+Keikyu one way = 1,200 yen
Tokyo Subway 48hours+Keikyu one way = 1,600 yen
Tokyo Subway 72hours+Keikyu one way = 1,900 yen

Tokyo Subway 24hours+Keikyu round trip = 1,500 yen
Tokyo Subway 48hours+Keikyu round trip  = 1,900 yen
Tokyo Subway 72hours+Keikyu round trip  = 2,200 yen

You can buy it at the Haneda airport terminal 2nd floor Keikyu tourist information center (Keikyu TIC)

Travel Information Center is open from 5:30 to 25:00. It's a little longer than when I visited. 

10. Keisei Skyliner & Tokyo Subway Ticket 2800 yen~

It's the Keisei line coming into town from Narita Airport, and the skyliner is a fast speed train. It takes longer to get downtown from Narita Airport and the fare is quite expensive.

Tokyo Subway 24 hours +Skyliner one way = 2,800 yen
Tokyo Subway 48hours +Skyliner one way = 3,200 yen
Tokyo Subway 72hours +Skyliner one way = 3,500 yen

Tokyo Subway 24hours +Skyliner round trip = 4,700 yen
Tokyo Subway 48hours +Skyliner round trip = 5,100 yen
Tokyo Subway 72hours +Skyliner round trip = 5,400 yen

You can but it Narita station, 2nd terminal station ticket office, Keisei ticket office in the Narita arrival loby. 
Passport required. 
You can use Keisei line from Narita airport to Ueno station. 

In addition, there are more diverse passes, including one with limousines and one with shuttle buses. Personally, if I stay in Tokyo within 72 hours and come into the city by rail, I think a ticket with an airport round trip ticket for foreigners is the most economical. 
If you take bus or taxi from the airport to the city, I recommend buying a time ticket. You might be wondering whether you will use only the Tokyo Metro Line or both. 
I've used both according to my itinerary, and if you can't find the subway station where you're going to visit before the trip, or if you don't have time to spare, it'll be 300 yen more expensive, but better to integrated ticket. (Subway ticket)
On the other hand, if you don't have many places to visit or did check your plan, it's enough to use only Tokyo Metro. If you have enough time to walk a little, you can travel not inconvenient. 

When I first started looking at the type of ticket, I didn't really know what was different. When I resorted it, I realized the difference. The last time I visited Tokyo in 2017 may be a bit different from the latest information.  
So I suggest you visit to the Tokyo Metro website and check it out.
