All about Sweden Stockholm 4/5 [] Royal palace > Noble museum > Södermalm > Iron boy > Gamlastan > Kaknas tower

It was summer travel for avoiding hot, going to Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark in 2013. But it was updated in 2020. Opening time depends on season, so you have to check opening time on the homepage  before visiting. And they closes Christmas, New year day, Epiphany and so on.

The fourth day's schedule in Stockholm, I mainly toured Gamrastan and Södermalm districts. Gamrastan is a round-shaped district, so I moved to the farthest side of the city  where my travel's start place is and looked around there on foot.

@Jarntorget; Iron square

Iron Square was built in the 1300s as the second oldest square in Stockholm after Stortorget. The medieval name of Iron Square, which has been the most important center of trade in Stockholm for centuries since its development, was Grain Square. At first, corn was the main trading item, but as iron exceeded its trade volume, the square was renamed Iron Square. In the past, it was much larger than the current area, exporting copper, silver, leather, fur, etc., and importing items such as butter, salt, cloth, beer, and spices. At that time, there were also British, French, and Dutch merchants, centering on German merchants who were powerful in trade. 
After then, it has become a fruit market and there is Sunberg Condition, a bakery that opened in the 1785s. There was a large meter, but it was moved to Södermalm.
If you go up vasterlangatan from Iron Square, you will find the Nobel Museum. For a detailed introduction to the Nobel Museum, please click on the link below.

@Stortorget; Main square

In front of the Nobel Museum, there is a main square surrounded by colorful Nordic-style buildings. Main Square is Stockholm's oldest square and is a historic place where big companies were located in the Middle Ages. Currently, here is famous to busking performances, handicrafts, and street food, and a Christmas market.

And now, many local people and tourists come here to visit where are placed museums, Stockholm cathedral, cafe, stores, Nobel library in stock exchange, Sweden academy where Nobel literature prize ceremony is held. But it has sad and scare historical stories
 that Danish invaded here and killed many people. Also Christian ll who was a king that age executed almost 90 people.
This is the story. The pro-Danish archbishop GustavTrolle, who was deposed and imprisoned by King Sten sture of Sweden, wanted retaliation against Sweden. Thus, Christian II of Denmark invaded Sweden. This resulted in the death of Sten sture, and after four months of attacks, Christina Gillenstiena, Sten sture's wife and queen, declared a truce, but Denmark did not stop afterward. Naturally, after Sten sture, Christian II ascended to the throne of Sweden and purged people who closes to Sten sture in the main square.

Personnel were invited to Christian II's coronation ceremony, and Archbishop Gustav Trolle sentenced people who is related to Sten sture to blasphemy. The death sentence was immediately sentenced within three days and was cleaned (scary cleaning...) at the same time while all citizens were forced to stay at home. Queen Christina Gillenstienne was one of the people who were executed.

Executives mercilessly beheaded archbishops, lawmakers, upper class, and city magistrates, including Gustav Vasa, the next king, but fortunately hid and escaped. So he avoided the fate of his father, Eric Johansson Vasa (He was killed). After fleeing, Gustav Vasa took the lead in the resistance movement and became king of Sweden when Christian II was deposed by the Swedish.
The well in the square was built with a new stock exchange building, and the water dried up as the altitude rose. The well was moved to another area and returned to its original location in the 1950s, and is now connected to the city's water pipes.

Buildings surrounding the square are numbered uniquely, which are buildings between 14 and 22. Most of the buildings here have their own stories and historical significance.

@Storkyrkan; Stockholm cathedral

Open_ 9:00~18:00 (except summer until~16:00 or ~17:00)
Fee_ 60 SEK

Stockholm Cathedral is a building that retains the appearance of the 1300s with weddings or coronations of kings and queens. There are two medieval relics here, one silver altar in the Baroque style in the 1600s, and the other one is a king's chair from the Pope of Rome.

@Kungliga slottet; Royal palace

Open_ 10:00~17:00 (off season ~16:00)
Fee_ 160 SEK

The royal apartment is the residence of the king and queen in the royal palace. In addition, there are places used as gala dinners, meetings, and banquets, and guest apartments that are used as guest houses for high-ranking officials when visiting overseas state guests. Since the 1700s, each monarch has left its own interior, and you can also see Gustav III's bedroom, Oscar II's writing room, and King Carl Gustav's Jubilee Room, the most recently decorated room. In the royal apartment, there is a main hall with Queen Christina's silver throne and an apartment in Chivalry, where there is a collection of kings.
Bernadot Apartment consists of 14 rooms and is located in the north. The Fillard Hall in the northwest corner of this place was Adolf Frederick's restaurant, which mainly reflects the appearance of the 1780s, which was modernized by Gustav III. At the Victoria Salon after the Fillard Hall, you can taste the Victorian splendor of the 1800s, and the size of the chandelier and carpet is impressive. The Bernadot Gallery has an old portrait of the royal family, which tells the story of King Carl XIV in the early 1800s during unstable times. The next room has a newly decorated Jubilee room that reflects the interior of the present era. The last room of Bernadot Apartment is also a gallery with many paintings of the royal family. It's a picture of Gustav VI Adolf, Princess Margaret, and King Carl XVI, the current king and queen, Queen Sylvia.

The main apartment consists of 9 main halls. The original plan was created by palace architect Nicodemus Tessin during Sweden's "Great Power" era. Not all plans have been completed, but these rooms are incomparable in Northern Europe. The room, which used to be Gustav III's restaurant, is currently used for the King and Bureadre meeting, and many guests were invited to dinner at the time of Gustav III's reign, but only the royal family ate and the invited guests only watched.

Gustav III's bedroom is where he died two weeks after being shot.
Carl XI’s gallery, it was decorated along Versailles. There is a ceiling painting which describe Carl XI’s war in 1670s and now Banquet is held.  The last room is known to The white sea hall as ballroom. Recently, this room is not much held party, but has special role when welcome banquet is held every year. 

Guest apartments are mainly given to state guests. So it was made more colorful than the usual decoration. Most of the apartments have furniture which is from different periods, made in Stockholm in the 1700s and 1800s. These make it an interesting place to learn about changes in history and furniture design. 
The State Hall was decorated by Carl Carl Hårleman, and Carl Hårleman closely organized the room according to the plan prepared by Nicodemus Tessin's son. It is where the king's parliament is currently held, and there is a silver throne given by Queen Magnus Gabriel de la Guardi as a gift for Queen Christina's coronation in 1650.

Chivalry's apartment is a space where a permanent exhibition of royal orders is held. Four rooms make up an apartment and each room is for one order.

In addition to apartments, you can see treasure halls, royal chapels and fancy Guard Shifts in royal palace. The Royal Guard Shift starts at 12:15 on Monday to Saturday and starts at 13:15 on Sunday. I've seen the Guard Shift in some European capitals but it was the most spectacular shift. I think it's more fancy than England where is famous for fancy Royal Guard Shift.

If you plan to visit the royal palace, I recommend you to visit here at the Guard shift ceremony. It was impressive to see military bands in blue and white uniforms playing, waving flags, or holding guns. There are also women guard's member.

@Finska kyrkan; Finnish church

I went to church not having any purpose. I heard Iron Boy is famous in the backyard of the church so I went there only to see it. It's cute to see a small 15cm tall iron statue crouching down, there's a story that if you stroke its head, your wish will come true. So you can see many people stroking its head or leaving coins behind. The top of the head is particularly smooth and gloss because many people's hands have been touching it. If it were a human, it would have lost hair...become burb.. What wish did I talk then? So I don't know if it came true...

@Norrbo bridge

It is a bridge to Helgeandsholmen, where the National Assembly is located, separated from Gamrastan. 
There's an incredible crowd coming in.

That days's lunch menu was only ice cream...

@Riddar huset; House of nobility

Open_ 11:00~12:00 (Dec 28~31, June 22 ~ Aug 28 open ~15:00)
Fee_ 60 SEK (Stockholm pass free)
Close_ Weekend and Irregular. check it before visiting
It was a Dutch Baroque-style building built in 1668 where aristocratic councils were held.

@Riddarholm kyrkan; Riddarholm church

Open_ 10:00~17:00
Fee_ 50 SEK (combination ticket with royal palace is 200 SEK)
It is the only medieval monastery church in Stockholm with the tomb of the king of Sweden and is a Neogodic architecture built around 1300.


It is the oldest shopping district in Stockholm and has many antique shops and galleries. You can also see a replica of St. George and the dragon.


It is a shopping district with the appearance of the 13th century.

@Tyska Kyrkan; German church

Open_ Fri, Sat 11:00~15:00, Sun 12:30~04:00
This church was founded by merchants of the Hansa-partnership and it is worth paying attention to the octagonal gypsum and 38 angel statues made of gilt.

@Mårten Trotzigs gränd; Marten trotzigs grand

It is said to be the narrowest alley with a width of 90cm but it is really hidden between buildings so if you don't look carefully you might pass here. It's an alley but there are stairs. It was a little difficult to find without GPS but there were people who took pictures so I didn't miss here.


It is an area one stop away by tram from Gamrastan. The downtown area is Sofo and here is a trendy street with many miscellaneous goods and clothing stores. I suddenly fell in love with a turquoise leather wallet so bought it. I can't carry it a lot because its leather is soft  and might worn out easy.
There is a Katarinahissen elevator that goes up the observatory called Katarinahissen observatory, it is said to be a specialty made in the 1930s. I can't see it in person.

@Kaknas parken; Kaknas park

Many people were riding bicycles, jogging and  it was a wide fields without flowers.

@Kaknastornet; Kaknas tower

Open_ 9:00~22:00
Fee_ 40 SEK (maybe it would rise)
30-story Kaknas Tower which is a TV radio tower, an observatory and a restaurant, is located near an eco-park a little far from central city. Currently, it is not open to the general public due to some problems, so you should visit the website first to see if you can visit here. Originally, I visited the previous day but I went around 9 p.m. after last entry time. I wanted to see sun set but here sun set time is too late. I think the last entry was around 20:30.

In fact, I don't recommend it to those who don't have time to travel because it's about 30 minutes away from the city center and there's no place to visit  around here. If you want to see a spectacular or cute view of a European city, I don't think this observatory is not appropriate.

 It's my last schedule in stockholm full day.
